Pepper Power Nutrition and Other Benefits
Bell peppers come in a variety of sizes and colors. Some pack fever. Others are cute. Available fresh, frozen, dried, or canned.
You've probably seen green, orange, yellow, and red peppers in grocery stores and salad bars. Red peppers have the most nutrients because they hang the longest on the bush. Bell peppers come in a variety of colors, including red (the sweetest), orange, yellow, and green.
Bell peppers are harvested before they turn yellow, orange, and red. Compared to bell peppers, red bell peppers have about 11 times more beta-carotene and 1.5 times more vitamin C.
Type of pepper
All peppers belong to the pepper family. They originated in Latin America thousands of years ago. Peppers include:
paprika year. These include peppers and jalapenos.
paprika flutes sense. Tabasco pepper belongs to this group.
Chinese pepper. These include extremely spicy habanero and scotch bonnet peppers
Togarashi (Aji pepper)
Capsicum pubescens (Rocoto pepper).
Bell peppers are found all over the world and are used in many different dishes. Some are known for their intense heat. Others are sweet enough to be eaten as a snack. Bell peppers are so popular all over the world that they are even grown on the International Space Station. You may have heard of capsaicin, a compound found in chili peppers. Pain is often relieved with creams or patches.
And when you think of ground black pepper as a spice, it doesn't actually come from paprika.It comes from the fruit (or peppercorns) of a vine called Piper nigrum.
Health Benefits of Pepper
Bell peppers are low in calories and rich in nutrients, including several important vitamins, including vitamin C. One cup of chopped green peppers provides 120 milligrams of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron and heal wounds.It also plays a role in preventing various conditions such as heart disease and cancer as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Other health benefits of peppers as part of a healthy lifestyle include:
Low blood pressure. Several large studies show that people with higher vitamin C levels in the body (based on plasma vitamin C levels) are less likely to have high blood pressure, especially if they eat a high-quality diet.
digestive health. With only 30 calories per cup, raw peppers contain 2.5 grams of fiber. Fiber promotes digestive health by increasing stool bulk. This makes it easier to pass. Eating a high-fiber diet also means that you are less likely to get hemorrhoids.
Reduces risk of diabetes. High-fiber foods like peppers slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream.Vitamin C may also help lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes, but this is a supplement, not peppers. Remember that your overall eating pattern is more important than individual foods.
Preparation of pepper
Bell peppers are very versatile. You can add raw ingredients to everything from dips and salads to pasta dishes.
Stir-frying peppers is easy. Make a small cut near the stem. Grill or bake until blackened. After that, put it in a plastic bag and let it steam for about 15 minutes.
Also add some red bell pepper to the pan for added color.
Be careful when handling hot peppers as they can burn your skin and eyes. Wear rubber gloves while handling, keep hands away from face, and wash hands when finished. Also, keep whole milk or low-fat milk nearby. Capsaicin is not soluble in water. You need some fat to neutralize it.
Can you lose weight with peppers?
If you've heard claims that peppers help you lose weight, you might want to take it with a grain of salt.
● Capsaicin:
Capsaicin, found in chili peppers (including chilies and cayenne powder), has been shown to increase metabolism and suppress appetite at least slightly. Over time, this effect can give you an extra edge when it comes to losing weight...but it won't melt the pounds.
Studies have shown that people who don't normally eat spicy food are most likely to benefit from a slight increase in temperature.Capsaicin affects metabolism by increasing body temperature, causing more energy to be consumed. It seems to
● Dihydrocapsiate (DCT):
DCT is a cousin of capsaicin and is found in a variety of mild, sweet peppers sometimes called CH-19 peppers. Researchers found that DCT in capsule form works similarly to capsaicin, except for the burning sensation. Those who did consumed about 100 extra calories per day. However, they lost less weight than those who took a placebo, probably because their diet was already very low in calories.Large and longer studies are needed to validate the results.
● Piperine:
The piperine found in dried black pepper can prevent the formation of new fat cells. catch:
Scientists have only studied mouse cells, so there's no evidence that it works in humans.If you like black pepper, use it to flavor your dishes. It has zero calories and does not raise blood pressure. Don't rely solely on losing weight.
24 Dec 2022