7 Best Natural Ingredients for Your Skin

The beauty world is flooded with high-tech gadgets and innovative ingredients, but new isn't always better when it comes to treating some of the most common skincare concerns. In some cases, simple natural options can be just as effective as scientifically designed solutions.
''Many of my patients practice a 'clean' diet and want to extend that philosophy to their skincare routine,'' says Dr. Papri Sarkar, dermatologist in Brookline, Massachusetts. . ''Finding clean beauty products that work isn't as easy as finding organic products at the grocery store, but it's easier than ever to find something that fits your needs.''
We asked the experts to share the best ingredients in the world, both naturally based and scientifically backed.
Coconut oil
Hydrating, anti-inflammatory. A growing body of science supports the use of this vegetable fat as a topical skin soothing agent.Recent research has shown that extra virgin coconut oil helps reduce the body's natural inflammatory chemicals while enhancing the skin's barrier function. suppress some of the ''Many people love coconut oil products that help them deal with dry, itchy skin and skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis,'' says Laurel Navarsen, a dermatologist in Medford, Oregon. ''Some of my psoriasis patients swear by wearing a coconut oil scalp treatment overnight under a plastic shower cap. Find it in the jar in the cooking aisle.'' . Gotu kola (also known as Centella asiatica)
wound healing. Commonly used in Asian cuisine, this ancient herb is now part of modern skincare because of its wound-healing properties, says cosmetic chemist and creator of the blog Lab Muffin Beauty Science. says Dr. Michelle Wong. The plant's chemicals increase the blood supply to the injured area and strengthen the skin. Researchers have found that wound healing is better when rats are treated with Centella asiatica for skin damage. A combination of amino acids, beta-carotene, fatty acids, and phytochemicals help reduce healing time and help treat injuries. Find it in balms and creams.
Green Tea
Sunscreen, anti-aging. The link between drinking green tea and its health benefits has been questioned for years, but using the plant on the skin may also help. ''The polyphenols found in green tea not only have antioxidant properties, but also help treat sun-damaged skin,'' says Jeanine Downey, a dermatologist in Montclair, New Jersey. It's helpful, she says, and has a soothing effect that provides a way to deal with the signs of sun damage. It is also included in drinking teas and sunscreens.
Anti-inflammatory, eczema relief. “Oatmeal contains anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant chemicals called avenanthramides,” says Wong. It's very effective for conditions like eczema and rashes.'' But not all oatmeal is created equal, says Geraghty. ''Colloidal oatmeal is a powder made by grinding oats to prepare them into very small specific sizes,'' she says. This size and quality of oats makes this ingredient very therapeutic and can form a soothing paste when mixed with water.
''I like colloidal oatmeal products because research shows they're gentle, safe, and don't tend to cause allergies or irritation,'' he says Geraghty. ''I've found that if my eczema sufferers develop a gentle skin care routine and apply colloidal oatmeal moisturizer regularly, they won't need topical steroids as often.
Shea butter
Anti-inflammatory, anti-itch. Shea butter is extracted from the nuts of the shea butter tree and is an ingredient in many moisturizers. ''It seems to help moisturize the skin because it's rich in fatty acids,'' says Geraghty.These nutrients help soothe the skin and provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Shea butter may be most helpful in treating and relieving eczema, she says.A clinical trial using shea butter to treat eczema in children showed relief of itching within four weeks, and in adults. Another study I did found improvement in two weeks.Geraghty points to another benefit of natural moisturizers.
Shea butter rarely appears to cause skin allergies and is suitable for even the most sensitive skin types. It is included in body creams and lotions.
Reduces pigmentation and improves collagen production. Soy contains various phytochemicals that affect the skin. These include antioxidants, fatty acids and isoflavones. Legumes also produce estrogen, or phytoestrogen, which treats skin conditions associated with menopause. ''One of the reasons we think women's skin becomes less firm and bright after menopause is because of a decrease in estrogen,'' Sarkar says. , has been shown to help improve collagen synthesis.Studies show that the isoflavones found in soybeans also have sunscreen properties, helping to reduce pigmentation and keep skin even-toned.It can also be used in creams and moisturizers. Find it on the riser.
Tea tree oil
Antibacterial, fights blemishes. Herbal remedies made from tea tree leaves have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects that help fight a variety of germs, fungi, and bacteria, says Geraghty. The fact that it helps fight acne means it helps reduce inflammatory scars, i.e. tender pustules and inflamed pink papules. Geraghty also warns about potential irritation when using tea tree oil on your skin. She suggests monitoring the area for signs of redness or rashes, and include it in skin treatments such as face masks.
Last note
As with any new treatment, it's a good idea to have your dermatologist do something to make sure you're using natural remedies properly. It's possible, and some treatments aren't fully proven, they just aren't worth it.''
divide by split ends
Fight hair's greatest enemy with pro tips from Shaun Surething, chief stylist and co-owner of her Seagull Salon in New York City.
Fine hair:
Sleeping in a humidifier is absolutely necessary for all hair types, especially fine hair. Hair splits because it's dry, but fine hair is the most prone to splitting. ''If you can make the economic leap, a good humidifier with a digital display is the way to go,'' Surething says. It helps.''
Wavy Hair:
Replacing the cotton pillowcase with satin allows the waves to glide freely over the pillow instead of getting caught in the cotton fibers. If you prefer cotton pillowcases, consider wrapping your hair in a satin scarf before bed.
Curly hair:
Changing the look of your hair can be fun, but keep in mind that frequent use of hot and styling tools can cause split ends. Surething says to always start gently from the bottom when combing or brushing. Never pull on the tangles as this can cause the strands to snap and tear. Protect the ends from heat with a heat protection spray.
Unruly Hair:
Firm, frizzy hair has a difficult time retaining moisture, so a weekly mask and moisturizing conditioner are paramount. barrier,” says Surething.

31 Dec 2022